Puppy Guide

Puppy Guide: Are you ready for your Dream Puppy?

Raising a puppy is more than just enjoying cute and adorable moments. It also involves dealing with potty accidents, chewing, destructive behavior, and all the challenges that come in between. This process will test your patience, and it may not always be smooth sailing, but the rewards are definitely worthwhile. Dogs have a remarkable way of bringing out compassion and understanding in us, transforming us into more empathetic and caring individuals. Even if you have experience raising puppies, it’s important to recognize that each pup is unique in their own way, presenting both positive and challenging aspects. Embracing this experience means being ready to give it your best effort, no matter what.

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Things to consider before getting a puppy.

Puppies bring so much joy to one’s lives, they are amazing companions and are your forever loyal friend! It is important to consider some things before selecting your pup! Getting a new puppy is a big responsibility. It is important to ask yourself some questions before choosing a puppy to ensure the proper fit for yourself and the adorable puppy! Puppies are like babies they will look up to you and rely on you to show them how to be poty train and incorporate a reasonable schedule to fit both of your needs! Some breeds will need more help than others. Patience is key to making this transition as smooth as possible for each other!

  • What is my budget, and can I afford all the costs associated with caring for this new puppy? It is important to consider grooming cost, food, pet insurance and supplies that you may need for your pet. Each breed is different so do some research before you set your heart on a puppy.

  • Is your home puppy proof? Because puppies can and will get into anything and everything! They have a mischievous curious mind and sometimes can’t help getting themselves into a bit of trouble.

  • What kind of home do you live in? Some dogs need more space than others as well as exercise you need to consider is the puppy I am choosing going to be able to thrive in my home and live a healthy life!

  • Who do you live with? Will there be children present? It is important that everyone in the home is on board with the idea of having a puppy whether it’s family or even an older pet you want to establish a welcoming environment. If you have small children in the home, you need to consider the breed you’re choosing good with children some puppies can be jealous it is important you choose a breed that suits everyone in the home!

  • How much free time do you have? Puppies are a serious commitment and do require time in order to train them even if you are doing it at home or taking them to classes. It is also important you socialize with your puppy to get to know each other and build trust!

  • Am I ready for Potty training? Potty training does take a consistent schedule and patience it isn’t always easy. You puppy will have a few accidents and that is okay!

  • Are you ready to make a lifelong commitment? We Believe that a dog is a companion for life! They will be a part of your family and grow with you!

If you read through all these questions, we can’t wait for you to find your dream puppy! Puppies are a lot of work, but they are so worth every second of it! There is nothing better than coming home to a sweet and excited puppy!

it’s crucial to prioritize finding a reputable kennel, being vigilant for warning signs, understanding the breed’s health and genetic issues, and being prepared for the energy level and lifestyle changes a new companion may bring. Getting a puppy is a long-term commitment, not a decision to be made impulsively. Thorough research is essential to ensure that you and your pet doesn’t face unnecessary challenges like being placed in a shelter at no fault of its own

Confirming adoption application

Before making a purchase, you won’t simply click “buy” and proceed to checkout. Instead, you must fill out a brief application questionnaire for the breeder to review and consider. Depending on the questionnaire, the breeder may have additional questions to determine that your home is an ideal fit for one of their pups. Throughout this process, both the breeder and the adopting home can communicate via chat or video call on the system to verify the puppy, ask questions, negotiate (if the breeder is open to the idea), and hopefully confirm and schedule a meeting, delivery, or pick-up. We always recommend using Citizenshipper for competitive bids on deliveries. Their drivers are background checked and USDA certified, licensed, and insured. If conducting cash transactions, we suggest meeting at places like the post office or police stations for added security. We understand that some breeders may not feel comfortable freely disclosing their address due to potential criminals seeking an opportunity. Similarly, we recognize that new buyers may be unsure of how to pay and not want to be taken advantage of. Cash is the standard method of payment, but if that’s not feasible, we always recommend using Zelle. Other payment forms can be quite suspicious, and we advise against using them.

Introducing a puppy to new home and family

Allow your puppy to gradually explore specific areas until they become familiar with the house. Introduce family members one by one to prevent overwhelming your puppy. Establish designated potty areas and positively reinforce good behavior. Introduce them to other animals in your house slowly to prevent potential aggression or irritation. It’s important to avoid contact with other dogs outside until your puppy has completed all of their vaccinations, which may take a few months.

Setting boundaries and routine

Remember to start enforcing rules from the beginning. This means teaching your puppy the house rules right from the start, so they understand the boundaries. You will need to decide where they will sleep, if they’re allowed on furniture, and if they can have table scraps. It’s important to stick to a schedule for mealtime, potty breaks, playtime, and naptime to help your puppy feel secure and confident. Puppies need plenty of sleep, and giving them a safe place to rest, such as a cozy bed or crate, will help them feel secure and relaxed. Surviving the first night with a new puppy can be tough, but with the right approach, you can help your puppy adjust and feel secure. It’s common for puppies to cry in their crate at first, especially during the night. While it’s tempting to console them, letting them cry in their crate will help them learn the rules and become more independent. Consider placing their crate in your bedroom so they can sense your presence, which can provide comfort. Additionally, taking them for a potty break before bedtime and again after bedtime is crucial. If necessary, a quick potty break in the middle of the night can help them learn to hold their bladder. Consistency and patience will help your puppy settle in and establish good habits for the future.

Proper training, and diet.

After bringing home your new puppy, it’s important to establish a consistent schedule and dedicate time to training to strengthen your bond. From teaching them where to potty to mastering new tricks, using positive reinforcement techniques will facilitate their learning process. Finding the correct diet for their lifestyle is important to make sure your furry friend is healthy. Enrolling them in obedience classes or specialized training programs can be beneficial for ensuring good behavior as they mature. Additionally, socializing your puppy at a young age, once they have been fully vaccinated, is crucial for their overall behavioral development. It’s important to remember that the experiences they have as a puppy will significantly influence their behavior as they grow older. By creating positive and diverse encounters, you can help shape them into a friendly and well-adjusted dog.

Your dream dog will only get better with time.

As you embark on the journey of training your furry companion, it’s important to remember that progress takes time. Patience and consistent effort are crucial in guiding your puppy. By setting a positive example, you can effectively influence your pet’s behavior. Remember that dogs are eager to please their loved ones, so maintaining consistency in training will yield positive results. Despite the inevitable challenging days, the ultimate outcome will be a testament to the dedication and care you’ve invested in your furry friend.

Are you prepared?

So you’ve got yourself a new furry friend, huh? Well, buckle up because we are about to give you the best guide to taking care of that adorable little puppy of yours.

First things first !

First things first, make sure you’ve got all the essentials – food, water, toys, and a comfy bed. Oh, and don’t forget the treats, because let’s face it, bribery works wonders.

Potty training !

First things first, make sure you’ve got all the essentials – food, water, toys, and a comfy bed. Oh, and don’t forget the treats, because let’s face it, bribery works wonders.

Playtime !

When it comes to playtime, let your inner child loose. Get down on the floor, throw some toys around, and embrace the chaos. Your puppy will love you for it.

Puppy Raising Adventure !

Lastly, don’t forget the most important ingredient in this whole puppy-raising adventure – love. Shower your little furball with affection, cuddles, and belly rubs. Trust me, they’ll repay you with a lifetime of slobbery kisses and unconditional love.

You Have It !

So there you have it, the best guide to caring for your new puppy. Now go forth and be the best puppy parent you can be!