Note: Background check info is only shared with verified puppy

Note: This will only be shared with breeder you choose to contact for an adoption

1.) What kind of home do you live in?

House with fenced in yard
House with no fence

2.) What size dog are you looking for?

Large Breed
Medium breed
Small breed
Any size

3.) Why are you looking to get a puppy?

I am looking for a furry companion.
I am looking for a Guard dog.
I am looking for a family pet for our kids.
I am looking for a friend for my current pet

4.) How much puppy training are you willing to give your puppy?

Basic potty training
Basic potty training and simple commands
They will be going to a personal trainer or class.
I am not sure; I have never owned a dog.

5.) Which personality would describe your dream dog?

Goofy and adventurous
Loyal and protective
Lap dog or couch potato
Active and energetic
A family pet

6.) Have you ever owned a dog before or had experience training a puppy?

Yes, I have owned a dog and trained as a puppy
Yes, I have owned a dog and no trained it
Yes, I have owned a dog but it was an adult dog
No, I have never owned a dog and have no experience with puppy training

7.) How smart of a dog are you looking for?

A highly intelligent dog that will keep me busy.
Excited to learn and would like to please.
Knows the basics and needs encouragement.
Just needs to understand the house rules.

8.) Some dogs need more exercise than others. How much Free time do you Have?

I am home all day.
I have a flexible schedule.
I work full time.
I work part time.

9.) Would your new dog have to get along with any of the following

My dog
My cat
Kids under 5
Kids over 5

10.) Does anyone in the home have sensitivity to dog hair?

No, but I would prefer a dog that didnt shed so much
Dog hair doesnt bother me

11.) How much time and effort are you spending on grooming your dog?

I am willing to spend the time and money necessary with a professional groomer
I would prefer a dog I could groom myself.
Needs grooming just once a month by a professional
I prefer a dog that is low maintenance.

12.) Which of these would describe your ideal Weekend?

I Would stay home and read a book.
I Would try food at a new restaurant.
I Would visit a big city.
I Would go on a small road trip.

13.) Which of these is the most important for you in a companion?

Someone with Integrity
Someone who is loving.
Someone who is respectful.

14.) What do you like to do during your free time?

Watch my favorite Tv show or a movie
Be outdoors on my next adventure.
Hangout with family and friends
I love going shopping

15.) Which word would best describe you?

Loyal, I would do whatever it took to ensure my dog is taken care of
Respectful, I plan to treat my dog as my family.
Active, my dog will always be with me everywhere I go
Relaxed, I am looking for a dog to meditate with me.

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